In life, What is important is whom you meet in this journey, and how you can reflect with them. Never forget your smile, as that is what creates another smile. Never forget to appreciate all you have and all you know, as it will be too late once they have disappeared. If so, you will achieve who you want to be and shine in the life of others.
46 x 70 cm
幸福を共鳴し合う出逢い、 成長するのに大切な学びとしての出逢い、困難を乗り越えるのに勇気や支えとなる出逢い、次に進む道への導きへの出逢い。出逢いによって人生は深まり、笑顔と感謝で接していける心を忘れずにいることで『輝き』を持つ人になれる。