Students with qualifications as master calligraphers

Congratulations!!!  Master Calligraphers in Brush and in Pen.  Artist name (Gagou) was given by master Koshu.

5. 2016 Ayako was awarded the master’s qualification in pen calligraphy, given a name “Kouka” 紅華

2. 2017 Lorant was awarded the master’s qualification in brush calligraphy, given a name “Rangetu” 藍月

9. 2017 Saori was awarded the master’s qualification in pen calligraphy, given a name “Toukou” 桃香

9.2017 Kana was awarded the master’s qualification in pen calligraphy, given a name “Hekijyu” 碧珠

9.2017 Yuki was awarded the master’s qualification in brush calligraphy, given a name “Hakuran” 白蘭

1.2018 Katuko was awarded the master’s qualification in pen calligraphy, given a name “Senyou” 茜葉

Student Master Calligraphers:

Koshu’s students have started taking the Japanese calligraphy grading exams through the Bunka Shodo-Gakkai (based in Tokyo) since 2012. Today 30 students have joined the brush lettering calligraphy category, and 8 students have entered the pen lettering calligraphy category, working hard towards various grades. 12 of them are already “Dan” grade holders. It is challenging especially to those who are non-Japanese speakers, but Koshu has been supporting her students, challenging them and pushing their potential.

紅秋の教室では、2012年より東京の文化書道学会を通し、検定試験を始めました。現在では毛筆部門に30名、硬筆部門に8名が登録し真剣に取り組んでいます。そのうち現在12名が有段者です。 言葉の壁は大きくかなりのチャレンジですが、師範を目指す生徒の想いに答えられるよう、真剣に取り組みサポートをしています。